
A word on the pending PCAOB amendments

Shani Ben Ari,
IT Audit Specialist

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The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) is proposing significant amendments to its existing standards, AS 1105, Audit Evidence, and AS 2301, The Auditor’s Responses to the Risks of Material Misstatement, as well as conforming amendments to other related PCAOB auditing standards. These proposed amendments respond to the ever-increasing use of technology in audits and aim to enhance audit quality and investor protection. Specifically, the amendments will address the challenges and opportunities presented by technology-assisted analysis, enabling auditors to analyze information electronically using technology-based tools. Naturally, here at AudITech, we’re interested in these developments as developers of ITGC audit software.

Why make these amendments?

Throughout the last ten years, technological headways have changed the business landscape, with organizations progressing to computerized platforms and creating tremendous measures of electronic data. On balance, evaluators have embraced technological-assisted examination, utilizing tools like data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to gather, process, and decipher electronic information. This shift has empowered auditors to perform more precise investigations, recognize designs, distinguish peculiarities, and effectively reveal potential risks.

AS 1105, Audit Evidence, characterizes what comprises audit evidence and outlines prerequisites for planning and executing audit procedures to acquire adequate and fitting audit evidence. The audit evidence amendments intend to update this standard to unequivocally address parts of planning and performing audit procedures, including technology leverage investigation. By giving clearer rules and guidelines, auditors can improve the utilization of technology-based tools to accumulate review proof and guarantee its reliability.

AS 2301, The Auditor’s Response to the Risk of Material Misstatement, sets out prerequisites for auditors to plan and carry out proper responses to distinguished risks of material misstatement. The proposed revisions to this standard will line up with the extended utilization of technology-assisted examination in risk evaluation techniques. Auditors will be directed on the most proficient method to use technology to analyze and answer advancing risks, eventually improving audit quality.

What will these amendments do?

The proposed amendments will give clarity on recognizing analytical procedures and test of detail, which is currently ailing in the current PCAOB guidelines. Auditors will be better prepared to comprehend when and how to apply technology-assisted examination as a component of their audit techniques, prompting more productive and precise audits.

The proposed amendments aim to handle situations where examiners will direct multi-purpose procedures that include a technology-assisted examination. These methodologies serve different targets and require comprehensive documentation to guarantee their viability. Under the amendments, auditors will be expected to clearly report the reason, results, and evidence acquired for every procedure, lining up with the targets of the audit. This documentation will give straightforward clarity in the audit process, empowering auditors to show the reasoning behind their choices and conclusions. 

By expressly enumerating the reason for every procedure, auditors can guarantee that the systems are suitably intended to accomplish the expected results. Besides, by archiving the outcomes and evidence acquired, auditors can efficiently track and analyze the advancement of the audit, guaranteeing that the evidence gathered upholds the conclusions achieved. Adjusting the documentation to the targets of every method fortifies the overall audit quality, as it encourages consistency, precision, and dependability in the audit procedure. Eventually, these corrections advance more noteworthy responsibility and trust in audit practices, as auditors are constrained to stick to thorough documentation principles while utilizing technology-assisted examination in multi-purpose audit procedures.

The examination led by the PCAOB features the important role of external information kept by organizations and utilized by evaluators as audit evidence. The proposed amendments will determine examiner obligations regarding the dependability of this external data, stressing the significance of assessing the data’s source and the organization’s methodology for maintaining and handling it.

Why are these amendments necessary?

Due to the dependence on technology-based tools, the proposed amendments highlight the significance of controls over information technology. Powerful controls, including IT general controls and computerized application controls, improve the quality of audit evidence derived from organization-created and external data.

The proposed amendments make upgrading audit quality a possibility, bringing about more exact and reliable reporting. The clear direction of the technology-assisted investigation will empower auditors to direct more productive and viable audits, possibly prompting cost savings for audit firms and lower review expenses for organizations. Investors will profit from enhanced monetary data, giving them more certainty and effectiveness in making capital allocation choices.

The impending execution of the proposed amendments might involve a few adjustments to the audit approaches of firms, yet with generally hidden costs in contrast with the possible gains in audit quality. The PCAOB emphasizes striking the right harmony between embracing technological advancement and maintaining robust audit principles to guarantee the progress of these amendments. 

By recognizing the requirement for flexibility, the PCAOB empowers audit firms to successfully use technology-assisted investigation while keeping up with the respectability and thoroughness of audit processes. The changes are intended to direct auditors to perform more productive and successful audits, prompting expected cost savings for firms and diminished review expenses for clients. Moreover, investors stand to profit from the subsequent superior monetary data, imparting more noteworthy certainty and convenience in their capital allotment choices. By proactively exploring the difficulties of technological integration, the PCAOB means cultivating a consistent change toward a technologically progressed auditing climate, where audit quality and investor security stay at the front. Generally, the PCAOB’s obligation to maintain balance among development and thorough standards guarantees that these amendments will act as an impetus for positive change inside the auditing profession.

In Summary

 The proposed amendments to PCAOB norms, AS 1105 and AS 2301, address a huge step in adjusting audit practices to the technological age. By addressing the difficulties and opportunities introduced by technology-assisted examination, these revisions will upgrade audit quality, investor security, and the general proficiency of audits. The PCAOB empowers dynamic commitment and cooperation with stakeholders through the amendment process to guarantee that the final principles stay relevant and versatile to the consistently changing landscape of innovation in auditing practices. Through these amendments, auditors will be better prepared to use innovation and encourage more noteworthy simplicity, responsibility, and trust in financial reporting to assist all stakeholders in the monetary landscape.

At AudITech, we’re no strangers to adjusting audit practices to the technological age. Don’t get left behind. Contact us for a demo today.


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