
Automating ITGC Audits for AdTech Client with Custom Systems and Multiple Subsidiaries



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Perion is a technology leader specializing in connecting advertisers and brands to consumers through AI-powered solutions. Perion faced significant challenges in its IT General Controls (ITGC) audit process. With a complex environment consisting of self-developed systems, ensuring the accuracy and efficiency of their ITGC was paramount. Given that Perion’s revenue is derived from their software solutions, any failure in their ITGC could have severe repercussions on their financial integrity and operational stability.

AudITech integrated with Perion’s self-developed software to deliver data into its self-auditing platform, allowing for full ITGC automation across these systems.


PwC Israel recommended AudITech’s solution to address Perion’s critical ITGC Audit requirements. Given the nature of their business, it was crucial that the AudITech platform delivered better quality and efficient ITGC Audits, allowing critical deficiencies to be resolved in advance. AudITech met with the Perion team, understood the urgency, and began implementation on Perion.


AudITech has fully automated 60 controls to date, transforming ITGC audits from a complex and time-consuming process into a more straightforward and efficient one for Perion. AudITech integrated with Perion’s self-developed software to deliver data into its self-auditing platform, allowing for full ITGC automation across these systems.

Following this success, implementing AudITech became a priority whenever Perion acquired new subsidiaries. Consequently, AudITech has automated the controls for Vidazoo, and Hivestack post-acquisition. Starting with Vidazoo, the platform proved to be a game changer, significantly improving their change management processes, enhancing their effectiveness, and ensuring compliance. AudITech is currently working with Hivestack to automate their Controls, continuing to automate Perion’s ITGC audit process across all subsidiaries.

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We’ll guide you through your first IT-audit in minutes. Learn to create fast, official, trusted ITGC reports recognized by IT-auditors

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